Our Labrador Avis has now grown up to become an handsome dog. He is very naughty. He seeks our attention all the times. He loves to play chasing-game. When ever somebody in our family loves him or speaks to him, he takes this as that person's willingness to play chasing-game with him. Immediately he grabs whatever cloth is lying nearby in between his beautiful jaws and begins to run invitingly. The way he runs, taking the cloth between his jaws, is so enchanting that the person can't keep from getting seduced to play with him. Now Avis would run playfully from here to there with a loud expression of happiness in his body language and in his eyes, and the person has to run behind him pretending that he/she wants to pull out the cloth from Avis' jaws. Within a minute into this game and Avis gets so exited that he starts running very fast like a rocket from one end of the house to the other. My God! it is a sight to see the way he runs- from the sofa he runs towards the bed, and while he is still some distance away from the bed he dives in the air like a lion to land in the middle of the bed in one go, once on the bed he would make many interesting gestures to show that he is not going to let that person take the cloth from him, if the person tries to get "alarmingly" close to Avis then suddenly he hops in the air across a long distance to land on the floor some distance away from the bed, from here he excitedly runs like a cheetah toward the balcony, he reaches into the balcony in the blink of an eye, from here he takes a fast turn and almost flies toward the drawing room to again get on to the sofa... this wild running goes on for nearly 5 minutes. Then Mr Avis gets exhausted and abruptly sits on the floor somewhere. Now he would project his tongue out of his widely open mouth, and the sound of his heavy breathing signals that he now wants to relax. We immediately give him water to drink. He gulps a large amount of water and lies at a place of his choice stretching his body to the full. He goes into sleep in this posture very often to recharge his batteries to get up after around one hour to again seduce some one to play chase with him.